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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Wealden house's little secret....

I just knew there was something odd about the old Wealden house! And I was right, for it came with a little secret..! I was studying one of the vacant rooms, when I heard something moving in the room next to it. It sounded like an object rolling and squeaking, accompanied by what sounded like a faint children's laughter. And although the sound of a child's cheerful mirth invariably puts a smile on my face, this one actually made the blood in my veins run cold.

And, suddenly, the spectre of an infant riding an old, wooden go-cart came out of the darkness, and through the open door! His arms up in the air and his eyes, well, I don't think I'll easily forget those! And as it drove towards me, grinning, it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared...

I just knew there was something strange about the Wealden house, and now that 'something' had manifested itself to me.

© José Pereira Torrejón. All rights reserved. No part of the content of this blog may be distributed, published or reproduced without prior authorization from the author.

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