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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Jane's attic, update XVI: Mister Han Goergen's wheel chair.

During my last week's visit to the miniatures fair in the city of Arnhem, I had the privilege to meet the elusive, and very talented miniaturist, mister Han Goergen. I say 'elusive' because mister Goergen keeps a very low profile of himself, to say the least. He has no web site where one can admire his wonderful work, nor is he active on social media (despite being a very social, friendly gentleman). So, basically, the only way to enjoy his work is at miniature fairs, that is, if you're lucky enough to run into his booth.

The wheel chair measures 10 x 6 cm, or 4 x 2,6 inch.
Among the items on display was this stunning, vintage wheel chair. I knew from the second I saw it that the thing was meant for Jane's attic. What's more: mister Goergen had unwittingly produced an item without which the attic would simply not be complete!

The 'cherry on the cake' was the awesome pair of crutches, which could be bought separately to add to the wheel chair. 

Another cool feature are the leg supports, which can be moved individually, allowing them to be adjusted to any desired position

Perfect as it is, there are a few tiny thingies that I want to alter to it, before using it for its intended purpose. It's not much, and I'm sure mister Goergen won't mind, since I know now that he loves to experiment, and try new things!

I'm extremely happy with this unexpected, 'meant to be' find, and can't wait to include it in the attic, and make great photo's of it! Yesterday, I took advantage of a beautiful autumn afternoon sun to do a little photo shoot, in an otherwise empty attic. Since the walls can be removed, I was able to allow the sun light to enter the attic room in a particular way, resulting in the images presented here.

This blog is a small tribute to mister Han Goergen's amazing talents, as well as a 'sneak preview' of things to come, when the attic is finally finished. I hope it will excite you as much as it does excite me!

Thanks for visiting, and see you next time!

© José Pereira Torrejón. All rights reserved. No part of the content of this blog may be distributed, published or reproduced without prior authorization from the author.


  1. Wow what an amazing piece José. It's just perfect for the attic and it will add more to this mysterious project.

  2. I can easily see why the wheelchair has attracted you and claimed you- it was Meant To Be Yours and in Jane's Attic

    1. Oh yes, no doubt about that, Liz! I knew it the moment I saw it, as if it was calling me... :)
