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Friday, April 6, 2018

I'm in!

Dear All,

The latest issue of DollsHouse & Miniature Scene magazine (UK) features a four-page article with my work! This is my debut as a 'miniaturist' in an international publication. It's also a great honor to share the issue with the largest and most famous dolls house in the world: Queen Mary's Dollshouse! Feel honored, humbled, and proud! Click on the image below to go to the publishers Facebook page.

First page of the article


  1. My CONGRATULATIONS on your magazine feature and may there be Many Many More! :D

  2. Congratulations on your 1st publication as a miniaturist. You should be proud. I'm very lucky that I have got a copy of the magazine and totally love your article. Well done José. You deserve all the recognition.

    1. Thanks a lot, Rebecca!! It's thanks to your support that I move further, it brings out the best in me!

  3. Felicidades por este reconocimiento, te lo mereces pues tu trabajo es fantástico:-)
