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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jane's attic update No XLV: A Pig from Hell!

It was one of the more challenging items to be added to Jane's attic: the head of a wild boar to be displayed as an old, hunting 'trophy' on a wall.

Initially, I tried to get a ready-made example online, but didn't really like the ones I found. So I decided to make one of my own...

Having no idea how to go about it, I got started by studying the anatomical features of wild pigs. Then I modeled a head from clay, and was quite happy with the initial results.

However, to my dismay, the head turned out to be too big for the wall! This was one big pig, a monster pig, to be precise! Disappointed, I briefly contemplated making another, smaller head. But then I thought: what's wrong with a monster pig? And why should I hang it on the wall? I could just as easily use this one and put it on the floor somewhere, amidst the other stuff in the attic.

My eyes brightened up again with the prospect of creating a true, mean, killing machine: a Pig from Hell! And so it happened, as illustrated in the below images.

After it was finished, I put the pig's head in a wooden crate and placed it in the attic. However, my 'weathering' techniques had created a thing so ugly, so evil-looking, that I was afraid it would even scare off the resident ghosts! And considering that I'm very fond of my ghosts, I couldn't let that happen!

So I decided to make the pig invisible by covering it with a cloth. Custom made, of course.. 

I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, that I made this pig's head because I couldn't find a suitable one. But seeing the result, I couldn't be more happy that things went the way they did!

Thanks for visiting, and see you next time!

© José Pereira Torrejón. All rights reserved. No part of the content of this blog may be distributed, published or reproduced without prior authorization from the author.


  1. Another amazing job José! A pig from hell indeed. It looks so scary that it gives me goosebumps but then again it has some realistic features which gives the creature more details and character. Couldn't be more proud of you!!!

  2. That's so nice Rebecca, thank you!! The thing turned out to be pretty scary indeed... But then again, I don't mind, as long as it keeps away of my ghosts ;)

  3. It's not something I would want to trip over in the dark or facing me on the wall, but I think that you did a really good job of modelling a realistic boar's head, especially for the first time.
    I would also say that what you have now is a literal "pig in a blanket"
